Prior to Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated's "Mystery Solvers Club State Finals," many Scooby-Doo fans wanted Scooby to crossover with more clones than just Josie and the Pussycats. However, what a lot of Scooby fans don't realize is that there was a crossover with Captain Caveman in the 1970s! Despite not being advertised at all on the cover, Marvel Comics' Scooby-Doo #9 featured a crossover with Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels.
Thanks to Tom Holste for coming up with the idea for this fun fact, and providing these images!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! This past Tuesday, I made my annual Year in Review post listing my favorite things that happened in the franchise, but now I want to give you all a chance to vote for your favorite thing that happened this year! The results will be posted on New Year's Day in 2023. Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster won our Loch Ness Monster poll last week with 46 votes! It won by a huge margin, as the next closest episodes had 14 votes, less than 1/3 of the votes that movie got. "A Highland Fling with a Monstrous Thing" is the episode I'm referring to that came in second. Surprisingly, "The Loch Ness Mess" came in last with 12 votes.
It appears Velma will be premiering a bit sooner than we three weeks! WB-Discovery put out an official press release with all of their January TV shows on their website, and listed Velma as premiering on HBO Max on Thursday, January 12, 2023.
TVLine has confirmed that two new episodes will be posted every week. Given the previous confirmation that the first season will be ten episodes, that means the first season will conclude on February 9, 2023. In addition, an edited teaser has been released in Australia, and Fox 8 will be airing the show beginning January 15. However, the series will be able to be streamed on demand the same day as in the US. I imagine that the series will be treated similarly in other countries. TVPassport has also confirmed all of the titles for the episodes in season 1 for us: 1. Velma 2. The Candy (Wo)man 3. Velma Kai 4. Velma Makes a List 5. Marching Band Sleepover 6. The Sins of the Fathers and Some of the Mothers 7. Fog Fest 8. A Velma in the Woods 9. Family (Wo)man 10. The Brains of the Operation It's been an unexpectedly light year for Scooby after we got tons of content last year. I joked with someone in the comments that the Year-in-Review post for this year would be blank; but thankfully it didn't end up being that light thanks to Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo. It will be very slim pickings for this year's list, given there was hardly anything released. For those of you who are new to the blog this year, I always write up a post at the end of each year ranking my favorite things that happened in the franchise each year. I don't include any announcements of content happening in the future (i.e. the Velma teaser would not count, since the series itself won't be released until 2023), and I also don't typically include any non-official content or trivial stuff (i.e. Tracy Mark Lee sharing the designs for the Dolly Parton and Mel Brooks Guess Who episodes). Since it was a light year, I made one exception this year which I'll explain when I get to it. We also had a bit of sad news this year, that being Scoob! Holiday Haunt was cancelled by Warner Brothers' new CEO David Zaslav it was supposed to be released around this time. I'm glad this doesn't seem to be affecting any other Scooby content, since we have confirmation that Mystery Pups and Velma are going ahead with production. I'm not really sure on Krypto, though, since there's been speculation that it was cancelled. I don't really have a lot to say about the first few things up until we get to #4, but I'll quickly go through them just to include everything that's happened this year. 10. Wendy's Scooby-Doo Pop Up Mysteries Although I won't be getting them myself, I think it was a cool idea for Wendy's to release pop-up mystery playsets based on classic Where Are You episodes! 9. MG Collectibles Figures Don't have much to say about this, but it's neat we got figures for Captain Cutler, the Space Kook and the Tar Monster (even if they were nearly $400 lol)! 8. Scooby-Doo and Glamlite Makeup If there was one thing I wasn't expecting in 2022, it was getting an announcement for a Scooby-Doo makeup line lol. I think it's neat they made this, though! I'm a little confused why they didn't have the names correspond with the package designs, though (for example, the "Creeps and Crawls" eyeshadow has a picture of the witch on it rather than the green ghosts). 7. Matthew Lillard Rents Out 2002 Live-Action Mystery Machine on Air BnB The title says it all, but this was another thing I would have never expected to happen. I thought it was so nice of Matthew to do this! 6. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You and Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries Comics I guess this is kind of a placeholder, since I haven't read any of them, but six more Where Are You comics were released this year. I'm really happy to hear that some of the comics finally included original art. One of the big reasons I lost interest is because they just used stock art for all of the comics, and the stories weren't all that well-written in my opinion. It's great that they are using original art again. I enjoyed the few Batman and Scooby-Doo Mysteries comics I checked out. I haven't read them all yet, but it's neat they rebooted the series after the original run ended in March. Overall, six of these comics were released this year. 5. Multiversus We've arrived at the last thing that I'm mostly indifferent to lol. While I didn't personally play it, I thought it was really cool they included Scooby in this universe and essentially granted the wishes of all those fans who were wanting to see Ultra Instinct Shaggy in the Mortal Kombat games. Even though it wasn't technically in the Mortal Kombat universe, the fact that it had a connection with the creator of those games was very cool and I'm happy it happened for the thousands of fans who wanted it. 4. Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? The Complete Season Two I'm super happy that we got this season on DVD. Given Be Cool Scooby-Doo season 2 was never released, I was worried Guess Who would suffer the same fate. I would love to have all the Scooby episodes, specials and films on DVD someday, so I'm happy they didn't choose to skip season 2 here like they did with Be Cool. 3. Daphne & Velma Book 3 While I didn't like this quite as much as the other two, I was really happy they finally released the third book in the trilogy after waiting over two years. The book was a very fitting end to the trilogy. It was really cool that the author, Morgan Baden, drew upon previous Scooby-Doo episodes and movies to create her own continuity for this trilogy. She also did a great job building suspense and horror all throughout the book. The villain was excellent, and the culprit was very unexpected. The only things I didn't like were the Fred/Velma romantic stuff, as well as the fact the book ended on a cliffhanger for seemingly no reason. Overall though, I thought Morgan did a great job writing these books and making the plots/characterizations very compelling. This trilogy makes an awesome addition to the Scooby franchise, and I wish these books got more attention than they did because they're great. 2. Mystery Incorporated I don't typically include fan content, but I have to admit, I was super impressed by this and didn't want to exclude it. In a year that was extremely light for Scooby-Doo content, this was really nice to get what was basically a piece of Scooby-Doo fanfiction with cinematic quality. I thought the acting was excellent and the plot was super engaging. The common complaint people seem to have about fanfiction is that it doesn't stay true to the characters, but I felt the writing for each of the characters was very compelling here. Like with Daphne & Velma, it was neat how they took bits of pieces of canon from previous Scooby content here and creatively interpreted it to create elements of the gang's characterization. I thought all of the actors and actresses did a great job. The one minor issue I had is that Fred's actor looked like he was much older than high-school age (I'd guess at least 25, possibly 30), as well as that one guy at the party I mentioned in my review that looked like he was 40 lol (I'll add him to the list of characters I stan for, along with Sassy Fred and the Arm-Crossing Gators from Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo! haha). That's a pretty common thing in media to have cast people who are much older than the characters they play though, so I don't fault this series for it. The monsters in the series were great and seemed like something straight out of a horror film. I also loved how this series struck a bit of a darker tone. In addition, I thought they did a great job using references. I've complained in posts on here before that I don't like how they sometimes just reference the same things over and over for no reason, so it was very refreshing to see references worked well into the plot. It seems like they've run into a bit of a delay with episode 2 because they didn't quite meet their goal, but I'm really hopeful that episode 2 gets funded, because I can't wait to see what happens next! 1. Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo!
I was beginning to get worried that it was going to be the first year with no new Scooby DTVs since 1997, so I was really excited when we got the trailer for Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo! I know this film created a lot of drama within the fandom because of Velma's sexuality, but I absolutely loved the film. Although Scooby-Doo has not done well with retcons in recent years (looking at you, Curse of the 13th Ghost and Return to Zombie Island), I thought they did it well here. The fact that Coco creating all the costumes the gang has ever encountered seemed to be in a separate universe worked quite well. I know that some people thought Velma being romantically interested in a woman was cringey, but I thought it was very well done. It wasn't in-your-face; it felt natural and didn't completely overtake the movie. Honestly, the whole media reaction was the only thing that bothered me. There was one article in particular from a news source that I just thought was awful, in which they say "a Scooby-Doo writer confirmed Velma is a lesbian, so you can't even deny it!" In general, a lot of media sources used "the Scooby-Doo writers" as their source, which I thought didn't make sense, because there is no one entity of "the Scooby-Doo writers." Different people write each series and movies, so one writer is not an authority over the entire franchise. However, my main issue with the media coverage of this is that Velma being interested in one woman does not mean she's uninterested in people of other genders (Velma could be bisexual, for example). I think the movie did a great job representing Velma being interested in women, but I didn't like how the media slapped the "lesbian" label on Velma, since it's not specified what sexuality she is. That's more of a problem with society in general though and is nothing specific to this movie, so I digress. The mystery was also quite good, and I really enjoyed the villains. I also liked how the animation allowed for characters' expressions to be more emphasized. I thought that was a really interesting touch. I loved how zany this film was. The fact that the film divulged into random chaos in the last twenty minutes was amazing, because I love that kind of humor lol. I would love if they used this humor style again in the franchise. My only real complaint about the film is that Daphne's character element felt rushed. It could have been a good character arc, but they only mentioned it once at the beginning and then it was never brought up again until a brief moment before the end of the movie. Overall, it was an amazing movie though and I really enjoyed it. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this list! In terms of things I'd like to see next year, I'm not going to make a whole post, but all the stuff with WB cutting back on streaming projects made me think big-picture about what I want for next year. I think it would be great if we could get Scooby-Doo and Krypto Too!, but given that was never officially announced, I don't think we'll get an official announcement if it's cancelled either. It would be great if we could go back to getting the two DTVs per year we're accustomed to. However, to be entirely honest, I wouldn't mind switching to getting DTVs once a year if they were all great quality, rather than just pumping out crossover after crossover like they were for quite a few years. It was a breath of fresh air to have a movie that wasn't a crossover this year. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the crossovers, but it gets to be a bit much when we have both a series (Guess Who) and all the movies being crossovers at the same time. I'm hopeful that the WB-Discovery merge doesn't affect anything beyond Scoob! Holiday Haunt, but I also wouldn't mind if they dropped down to one DTV per year if the quality was even better than what they were doing with two DTVs. The other thing I'm a bit worried about going forward is the backlash involving Velma. Even now before the show is released, I know there is going to be a ton more backlash over the show, probably even more than we saw with Trick or Treat, which is unfortunate. My hope is that the backlash isn't too bad, and that people remember that this is just one Scooby show separate from the rest of the franchise. No matter how bad it is, isn't going to "ruin" Scooby-Doo. All of the previous shows are still available for everyone's viewing, and it's safe to say it's not going to affect anything else in the franchise and suddenly turn the franchise into Family Guy or anything like that. This next year is going to be very interesting for the Scooby franchise, both because of Velma and the fact that since it happened pretty late in the year, this will be the first full year that we'll be seeing the affects of WB and Discovery's merge. It will be fascinating to see what happens, but I'm keeping my hopes up for a great year! Laurel and Hardy were already both deceased before "The Ghost of Bigfoot" from The New Scooby-Doo Movies aired. These were the only two celebrity guest stars in the franchise that had passed away prior to their episode being written and produced. (The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln was a historical figure instead of a celebrity, so I'm not including him here).
It's perhaps worth noting that a few guest stars also passed away shortly after their episodes aired. Both Larry and Moe of the Three Stooges both passed away in 1975, three years after their episode aired. Cass Elliot passed away in 1974, two years after her episode aired. Alex Trebek died after the production process on "Total Jeopardy!" had already finished, but before the episode aired. "A Night of Fright Is No Delight" blew all the other options out of the water last week with 51 votes. "Scoobynatural" came in second with 17 votes, and "Where There's a Will, There's a Wraith" came in third with 8 votes.
We've only got one comic announcement this month, and here it is, courtesy of GamesRadar+.
THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES #6 Written by IVAN COHEN Art and cover by ERICH OWEN $2.99 US | 32 pages ON SALE 3/14/23 Batman calls upon his friends in Mystery Inc. for help—and he's shocked that this time, they refuse! It's no secret that they've become quite the crime-fighting team, and powerful foes are starting to team up against them. What fate does the fortune teller see, and will they solve the riddle in time to save the day? I wanted to share a bit of news for those following my fanfics, and if you don't follow them, there'll be another post you can look forward later today about Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #6 haha. My fanfic Whirlen Merlin's Academy of Magic has reached its conclusion, and I just published the final chapter today. It's technically just an epilogue, but hopefully no one who's been following it was disappointed by this just being 700 words after the previous chapter was over 15,000 words lol.
The fanfic revolves around Velma being invited to teach a Magical Literature course at her sister Madelyn's school. However, this new adventure quickly turns into a mystery when the ghost of Whirlen's ancestor (none other than the legendary wizard Merlin himself) begins haunting the school. Shaggy and Scooby make occasional appearances, Fred makes one appearance in the epilogue, and there's a whole chapter including Daphne that's essentially a crossover with my previous fanfic, Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake. In a lot of ways, the story is quite like Harry Potter. The fanfic is appropriate for all audiences. The story is pretty comedy-oriented and has an absurdist humor style similar to that of Trick or Treat, Scooby-Doo! and Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! If it helps you get a sense of the humor style, one of my favorite jokes in the fanfic is Merlin playing classic rock from the 1980s while he's forcing people to do his bidding lol ("We Built This City" by Starship is the song that's specifically mentioned). I'm really proud of this fanfic and it was a lot of fun doing a more experimental story than I've done in the past. Chapter 10 is quite possibly my favorite, as it's essentially political satire that's generic enough to appeal to anyone regardless of their political opinion. I had a lot of fun writing that chapter. As a random aside, another memorable thing about this fanfic is that the publish date for a chapter that had a recurring joke about Coolio oddly aligned with the week he died exactly. I'd written the chapter back in June, so it was a really strange coincidence that he passed away two days before the chapter was scheduled to come out. If you're interested in reading this fanfic, all sixteen chapters are now available to read on and AO3. I've already begun writing another fanfic, and without ruining the surprise, it's probably the most excited I've been about an idea since Hexed. I can't wait to share more about the project I've currently been working on next year! For the 100th anniversary of Warner Brothers, a new line of Funko Pops are being released according to The set includes Looney Tunes characters dressed up as members of the SCooby gang. The new figures include the Tasmanian Devil as Scooby, Daffy Duck as Shaggy, Tweety as Velma, Bugs Bunny as Fred, Lola as Daphne, and Bugs Bunny inside the Mystery Machine. The figures are all now available for pre-order on Funko's official website.
Earlier this month, Wendy's finally unveiled the Scooby-Doo toys they'd talked about releasing back in October. The toys are six pop-up mystery playsets including "What a Night for a Knight," "A Clue for Scooby-Doo," "Foul Play in Funland," "Spooky Space Kook," "A Night of Fright Is No Delight" and "Jeepers, It's the Creeper." Many of the sets are already being sold on eBay. Wendy's plans to give away one of the toys in every happy meal through February 2023 according to
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February 2025