My new forum for the site is now online! Make sure to check it out and join!
Link: Also, you can expect to see more updates coming soon!
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The comment section of this blog is moderated. All comments posted on this blog are required to adhere to the following six rules:
1. No spam links are allowed on the blog. Anyone found to be posting for the sole purpose of advertising will lose their commenting privileges. 2. No harassment or personal attacks are allowed. Intentionally trying to offend, provoke, or antagonize other commenters will lead to a warning on the first offense. Because this rule is simply basic decency and is not difficult to follow, a second offense will lead to a permanent loss of commenting privileges. 3. No nonsense posting. While it is completely fine to post comments that aren't directly related to the topic of the post, posts that are completely nonsensical may be removed. 4. There is zero tolerance for trolling. Any commenter intentionally trolling other people will permanently lose their commenting privileges. 5. While this blog does not have rules about swearing, I would like to keep this blog mostly kid-friendly. Any comments that are vulgar or inappropriate will be removed, and may result in the loss of commenting privileges for repeated offenses. 6. This blog has a no tolerance policy for racist, homophobic, sexist or other discriminatory comments. Anyone found to be making comments of this nature will be banned permanently. Hello! Some of you may already know me as Doo from the ScoobyAddicts forum. On here (at least for now), my name is WildwindVampire, and I'm the administrator for I've been a huge Scooby fan for years now, also a big Doctor Who fan, and I'm currently an admin on As you can see, I don't have all that much info on the site right now, but over the next few weeks, I hope to get lots more work done on the site. I also am currently working with ProBoards, and hope to start building my own Scooby forum next week. I've never really built a whole forum before, just done bits and pieces of forum-building on ScoobyAddicts, so it's going to be sort of a learning experience for me. I hope to have the forum online in the next few weeks, but like I said, I've never really built a forum before, so I don't really know how long it will take. While I'm doing construction on the site (which will take probably the rest of this year to build), I'm going to leave the site online, and slowly build it. Let me know if you have any suggestions for the site, I look forward to hearing them!
-WildwindVampire |
AuthorWildwindVampire Categories
September 2024