This week, Funko just released a brand new limited edition Scooby-Doo themed cereal. Scooby-Doo is animated like how he appears on his Funko figure on the front of the box. With every box, a free Scooby-Doo (holding a hot dog) Funko PocketPop figure is included. The cereal is mass-produced by Funko and BoxLunch. The cereal is shaped similarly to Cheerios, and is multigrain. You can buy your box today at for $5, or purchase it in your local grovery store.
10/20/2019 09:47:20 pm
Just so you guys know, there are links to episode 14 over on Sharemania
10/20/2019 09:49:30 pm
It's kinda weird with having to download two files and combining them with a zip app but it's a good episode if you guys figure it out. Whoopi was a fairly good guest.
The cop
10/21/2019 09:10:09 am
I cant find it
10/21/2019 11:23:14 am
Here's a link to the site. Have fun with the files.
The cop
10/21/2019 03:47:43 pm
How did you do it I cant
10/21/2019 05:04:26 pm
First I'd recommend using the second link in both halves and downloading through openload. Each part takes about 10 minutes. Next you have to use a zipper app to combine the files. I downloaded one called "7Zipper". Finally go into the downloads section of the app and it should give a pop up asking if you want to combine the files.
Samuel Kirkwood
10/21/2019 04:27:52 am
That's intriguing, how I miss cereal box toys here in the UK
10/21/2019 09:03:07 am
That's too bad that they don't have any over in the UK anymore! They're becoming rarer over here in the US now too. :(
Samuel Kirkwood
10/22/2019 01:13:15 pm
Rarely get em, but yeah, very rare over here nowadays sadly. 10/22/2019 06:50:29 pm
I think that may be a worldwide thing. I think kids are less interested in simple toys nowdays and prefer technology-based ones, but that's just my opinion. Leave a Reply. |
AuthorWildwindVampire Categories
February 2025